Ron Vaughn Products, 100% Made in the U.S.A.

Solid Shell Information

Steam Bent Solid Shells, general information about:

Helpful information about general availability of Ron Vaughn Solid Shells:
We have been making solid shells for over 50 years.  Our customers have and do include individual builders throughout the world, and some of the larger manufacturers of drums.
Availability of solid shells in our store site here varies from month-to-month and year-to-year, depending our our commitments and production.

If you should be visiting our store for solid shells and we are sold out when you are visiting, you can email us at sales@ronvaughn,net, and ask specifically to be notified via email when we have added more solid shells to this Ron Vaughn online store.

What we mean when we say 'Solid Shells' at Ron Vaughn Percussion:
Ron Vaughn Steam Bent Solid Shells are made from one single piece, (a board), of select hardwood that is prepared and then bent 360 degrees into a drum shell.  The term 'Solid', in this case, refers to a drum shell that is made from one single 'solid' piece, or 'board', of hardwood.  Ron Vaughn Solid Shells are not made from many thin layers of wood, or 'veneers', glued together as 'plywood' shells, commonly referred to as 'ply' shells.

'Ply' shells have their own important place in the drum industry, though we do not make any 'ply' shells at Ron Vaughn, Inc., only 'Solid Shells', as described on this page here.

Once the main 'solid' shell is bent and glued at the beveled/joining seam, the shell is further prepared and, 'shaped', to receive the two 'solid' hardwood reinforcing hoops to create the two bearing edges of the shell.  The reinforcing hoops are also one-piece each, solid pieces of hardwood, typically maple.  They are also bent 360 degrees and glued into the main drum shell. Together, all these combined elements come together to create a Ron Vaughn, Steam Bent, Solid Shell.  We have been making steam bent shells this way for over 50 years.

All of our instruments and hardware at Ron Vaughn Inc. are 100% made in the U.S.A. by Ron Vaughn Inc.

All of our bags and cases are also 100% made in the U.S.A.

This way to available solid shells - - >