On many leading Rockers & Poppers and Jazzers Recordings, and many motion picture soundtracks for over 45 years.

First created in the 1960's by Ron, still the professional's go-to instruments today
Ron's Original, Voiced & Tuned, Signature, Single-Slot, Solid Body Wood Blocks
See and hear the collection beginning with the W-4.5 Tuned Signature Wood Block

'Auto-Reverb' Super-Articulate T-10 Jingles
TripleRow Recording Tambourines
This way to Recording Tambourines - - >
Suspended Cymbal Mallets * Piccolo Block Mallets * Multiple percussion Mallets * Large Block Mallets * Petite TBell MAllets * more . . .
High-Density Head Mallets
This way to mallets - - >Ron Vaughn Percussion, over 50 years of Excellence & Innovation
through design, engineering, and performance