Ron Vaughn Products, 100% Made in the U.S.A.
Ron's Steam-Bent, Solid Poplar Shell Concert Tambourine has 38 pair of 1" Fluted German Silver Jingles.
T-10 Secco jingles are crispy, crunchy, and beautifully articulate with their fully fluted edges.
With it's Fly-Weight poplar shell and clean mounted, no tacks/no hardware, premium natural skin head, this instrument is light-in-hand. The voice this instrument produces is is delicate and beautifully, softly dense.
Thumb rolls, shake rolls, and rhythmic articulations with fingers on the top side or underside of these wonderfully tensioned heads can be stunning in their soft clarity.
To see and hear Ron's T-10 Secco Tambourine, click HERE!
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